Ambergris | Ambient spray | MOOD Collection

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MOOD Collection

AMBERGRIS. Oriental Luxury.

I am dedicated for a home which emphasizes sophisticated luxury and uniqueness of interior. I will grace your residence with Oriental mystery and an expression of a unique taste. I will inspire you to pursue your charismatic exclusivity.

Origin of fragrance - France.

Ambient spray from ODORO MOOD Collection is a solution for a fast fragrance and mood effect for your cozy home! Ambient spray help easily and quickly fragrance any room. One bottle lasts for around 727 sprays.



Ambergris fragrance

I am dedicated for a home which emphasizes sophisticated luxury and uniqueness of interior. I will grace your residence with Oriental mystery and an expression of a unique taste. I will inspire you to pursue your charismatic exclusivity.

Origin of fragrance - France.

The bottle of the MOOD collection contains the aromatic formula of the scent and the mood it provides for you and your home. The inseparable duo of my home fragrance - a round glass bottle with 90 ml of aromatic oil and black multi-fiber sticks of new technology - works wonders in your beloved spaces.

More about fragrance and its products

Labai liux Very nice

Uzveda ant sexo! Turns on sex!

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Ambra Ambergris

Geras, intensyvus, prabangus kvapas. Galėtų ilgiau laikytis. A good, intense, luxurious scent. It could last longer.

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Ambra/Mood Amber/Mood

Geras ambros kvapas, kas mėgsta šį nišinį kvapą. A good ambergris scent, who likes this niche scent.

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Labai liux Very nice

Uzveda ant sexo! Turns on sex!

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Ambra Ambergris

Paskaičiau aprašymą. Supratau, kad man neklydau! Labai patiko! Tikra rytietiška paslaptis ir vanilė.... I read the description. I understood that I would like it, and I was not wrong! Really liked it! Real oriental mystery and vanilla...

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Ambra Ambergris

Tobulas Perfect

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Ombra Shadow

Išbandytas ir namų kvapas, ir žvakė, ir purškiamas namų kvėpiklis! Mano mėgstamiausias. Užpildo visus namus prabangiu sodriu kvapu, ilgai išlieka Both the home fragrance, the candle and the spray home freshener have been tested! My favourite. Fills the entire house with a luxurious, rich scent that lasts for a long time

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Ambra Ambergris

geriausias iš visos serijos! the best of the whole series!

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Ambra Ambergris

Purskiamas ambra kvapas visada pas mys namuose jie tokie kad pamirsti neimanoma The smell of ambergris is always in our house, they are so unforgettable

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Ambra Ambergris

Super kvapas Super smell

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Fragrance intensity:

Ambra | Purškiamas kvapas Ambergris | Spray scent

Ilgai išliekantis, primenantis smilkalus, atspindi aprašymą: Rytietiška paslaptis. Long-lasting, reminiscent of incense, reflects the description: Oriental mystery.

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Fragrance intensity:

Ambra Ambergris

Intensyvesnis kvapas, prabangus. Nepasakyciau, kad labai ilgai islieka kvapas A more intense scent, luxurious. I did not say that the smell lasts very long

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Fragrance intensity:

Ambra | Purškiamas kvapas Ambergris | Spray scent

Purškiamas - labai trumpalaikis, greit išsisklaido. Lazdelės daugiau pasiteisino. Sprayed - very short-lived, quickly dissipates. Sticks worked better.

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Fragrance intensity:

Ambra purškiamas kvapas Ambergris spray scent

Labai prabangiai kvepiantis kvapas, gerai pasklinda ore, vos nuo poros papurškimų kvepia visas butas. Nenusivyliau pirkdama internetu. A very luxurious scent, it spreads well in the air, just a couple of sprays will smell the whole apartment. I was not disappointed with my online purchase.

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Fragrance intensity:

Ambra/Purškiamas kvapas Ambergris/Spray scent

Super – intensyvus, bet neįkyrus, prabangus, greitai pasklinda erdvėje. Super - intense, but not intrusive, luxurious, spreads quickly in the space.

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Fragrance intensity:

Ambra Ambergris

Nemėgstu šiaip rytietiškų kvapų,bet nustebau koks geras kvapas! I don't like oriental scents, but I was surprised how good it smells!

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Fragrance intensity:

ambra ambergris

geras good

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Fragrance intensity:

Ambra purškiamas kvapas Ambergris spray scent

Labai geras kvapas Very good smell

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Fragrance intensity:

Ambra Ambergris

Superiniai kvapas Super smell

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Fragrance intensity:

Ambra Ambergris

Megstanciom astresni, rytietiska kvapa For megstanciom, a more austere, oriental scent

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Fragrance intensity:

Amber Amber

Lb skanus It's delicious

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Fragrance intensity:

Ambra Ambergris

Nuostabus kvapas Amazing smell

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Fragrance intensity:

Ambra Ambergris

Tobulas kvapas Perfect scent

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Neskanus Not tasty

Pats neskaniausias, kvapas stiprus kaip smilkalų, gerai kad mėginuką pasiemiau. The most unpalatable, the smell is strong like incense, it's good that I took a sample.

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Ambra | Purškiamas kvapas 200 ml | MOOD Ambergris | Spray fragrance 200 ml | MOOD

Puikus, kvapas Nice smell

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Pats prabangiausias kvapas! The most luxurious scent!

Šį kvapą pamilau jau prieš kelis metus nusipirkusi jūsų aromatinę žvakę su Ambra kvapu. Topinis, prabangus rytietiškas kvapas! I fell in love with this scent a few years ago when I bought your aromatic candle with the scent of Ambergris. Topical, luxurious oriental fragrance!

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Odoro Odor

Pirkau 2vnt tai nerealus kvapas. Rekomenduoju savo draugams. I bought 2 pieces, it's an unreal smell. I recommend to my friends.

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Ambra Ambergris

Kas mėgsta arabiškus kvapus ,patiks . Those who like Arabic fragrances will like it.

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Klasika A classic

Pirkgama Ambra, tokios ir tikiuosi, kvapas intensyvus, tvirtas, siltas Ambergris is bought, it is what I hope it is, the smell is intense, strong, warm

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Ambra Ambergris

Prabangus kvapas uztenka vieno paspaudimo ir kvepia visi namai. The luxurious scent leaves the whole house with one click.

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Ambra Ambergris

Nuostabus kvapas Amazing smell

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Ambra Ambergris

Man kvepia labai panasiai, kaip praeini pro creme de la creme parduotuve ir is jos sklinda tas nuostabus kvapas. To me it smells a lot like walking past a creme de la creme store and it smells amazing.

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Ambra Ambergris

Nuostabus rytietiškas kvapas. A wonderful oriental fragrance.

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Ambient spray from  ODORO MOOD Collection is a solution for a fast fragrance and mood effect for your cozy home!

 Hello! My name is ODORO.
I represent the collection of home fragrances that combine finest quality, friendly design and handmade solution into the final products for your home.
 --- I dare to say that I am probably the most concentrated home scent on the market. The high concentration of aromatic oil guarantees both a highly perceptible odor and a long duration.
 --- It depends on you how long the fragrance will last. One bottle is enough for 727 spray units.  2-3 sprays is enough to get a nice and fragrant effect.

Composition: Ethanol, diethyl phtalate, methoxymethyl butanol, dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether, distilled water, isopropanol, butanol.
W I S H   Y O U   A   L I F E  
F U L L   O F   W O N D E R F U L  
F R A G R A N C E S !  
>100 Items

Data sheet

Scent notes
Scent notes
Scent notes
Scent notes
Type of scent
Type of scent
Type of scent
Type of scent
Autumn, winter
It's a gift
For Her

Specific References

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