Fragrance "Majestic Wood" - Luxurious and mature fragrance. Voluminous note of oak wood is nicely revealed by tonka and musk, which gives the aroma more character and sensuality. Patchouli and rose enrich this result with vitality and romantics while amber gives the oriental accent and the impression of magnificent luxury.
Origin of fragrance - France.
will look perfect in the interiors where people want to create a luxurious and stylish atmosphere. It also becomes a very nice, original and elegant gift.
Labs aromāts mājai Good aroma for the house
Iegādājos šo aromātu mājai un nenožēloju. Lietoju jau nedēļas 3, joprojām aromāts jūtams. Ļoti patīkama, izsmalcināta smarža. I bought this fragrance for my house and I don't regret it. I've been using it for 3 weeks now, I still smell it. A very pleasant, sophisticated scent.
Majestic Wood Majestic Wood
Turi lengvą saldumo kvapą, maloniai pasiskirsto patalpoje, neerzina. It has a light sweet smell, spreads pleasantly in the room, does not irritate.
Labs aromāts mājai Good aroma for the house
Iegādājos šo aromātu mājai un nenožēloju. Lietoju jau nedēļas 3, joprojām aromāts jūtams. Ļoti patīkama, izsmalcināta smarža. I bought this fragrance for my house and I don't regret it. I've been using it for 3 weeks now, I still smell it. A very pleasant, sophisticated scent.
Show originalShow translationMajestic Wood Majestic Wood
Labai intensyvus, malonus, prabangus kvapas, kuris ilgai išlieka namuose. Super! A very intense, pleasant, luxurious scent that lasts a long time at home. Great!
Show originalShow translationMajestic Wood Majestic Wood
Labai rafinuotas kvapas. A very sophisticated scent.
Show originalShow translationMajestic wood Majestic wood
Šis kvapas dvelkia prabanga, vieno buteliuko užteko bet 2 metams, nuostabu This fragrance smells luxurious, one bottle lasted for at least 2 years, it's amazing
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Labai patiko. Jaukus ir prabangus. Geresnio dar neradau. Really liked it. Cozy and luxurious. I haven't found a better one yet.
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis - kvapas
Very like
Didingas medis A magnificent tree
Labai patiko kvapas. Prabangus, neįkyrus. Tik pradarius dėžutę jau pakvipo kambarys. Labai mėgstu Odoro produkciją. I really liked the smell. Luxurious without being intrusive. As soon as I opened the box, the room was already shaking. I really like Odor's production.
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Elegantiškas,tikrai didingas kvapas! An elegant, truly majestic scent!
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Nuostabus kvapas, baigiasi pakuotė, ruošiuosi pirkti kita It smells amazing, I'm about to buy another one
Show originalShow translationNamų kvapas Dydingas medis The smell of home A magnificent tree
Neįkyrus, geras kvapas Unobtrusive, good smell
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Nuostabūs, ir kvapas , ir įpakavimad Both the smell and the packaging are amazing
Show originalShow translationNuostabus Wonderful
Kvapas tikrai vertas demesio. Tie zmones kuriems patiko santalo kvapas is odoro tikrai patiks ir sis! The smell is really worth the attention. Those people who liked the smell of sandalwood from the perfume will definitely like this too!
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Kvapas prabangus, labai malonus The smell is luxurious, very pleasant
Show originalShow translationKvapas The smell
Kvapas labai puikus, tačiau deja, didesnėse patalpose jo nesijaučia :( The smell is very nice, but unfortunately you can't feel it in larger rooms :(
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Visi namai kvepia siuo kvapu,labai patinka :) The whole house smells like this, I really like it :)
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Labai geras, prabangus kvapas tikrai pirksiu dar ! Very good, luxurious smell, I will definitely buy again!
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Nuostabus kvapas, solidus, waw, pakuotė didinga Amazing smell, solid, wow, the packaging is magnificent
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Puikus kvapas, aptarnavimas taip pat labai greitas Great smell, service is also very fast
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Puikus pasirinkimas visomis prasmėmis - nuostabus kvapas, puikus dizainas A great choice in every sense - wonderful smell, great design
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Labai prabangus namų aromatas A very luxurious home fragrance
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Prabangus, intensyvus ir ilgai išliekantis kvapas, prabangus buteliukas. Luxurious, intense and long-lasting fragrance, luxurious bottle.
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Sveiki,net nžn kaip ivardinti,bet turbūt šis kvapas ne man..... Hello, I don't even know how to name it, but maybe this smell is not for me.....
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Tiek prabangus įpakavimas, tiek kvapas. Ačiū Both the luxurious packaging and the scent. Thank you
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Sodrus ,didingas kvapas. Rich, magnificent smell.
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Tikrai skanus ir neikyrus kvapas A really delicious and subtle scent
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Labai geras kvapas,visi namai kvepia. Very good smell, the whole house smells.
Show originalShow translationDidingas Medis Majestic Tree
Labai sodrus, šiltas ir dvelkiantis prabanga. Very rich, warm and full of luxury.
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Prabangus,ilgai išliekantis kvapas.Tinka visur.Rekomenduoju. A luxurious, long-lasting scent. Suitable everywhere. I recommend it.
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Labai grazus ipakavimas, visada perku kai reikia dovanos. Kvapas uzburiantis. Very nice packaging, I always buy it when I need a gift. The smell is mesmerizing.
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Prabangus kvapas, rekomenduoju A luxurious scent, I recommend it
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Labai puikus prabangus kvapas A very nice luxury scent
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Puikus bravangos kvapas, juntamas subtiliai, neįkirus ir ne per stiprus. A great bravado scent, subtle, not overpowering and not too strong.
Show originalShow translationDidingas Magnificent
Vyriškas kvapas, labai gerai kvepia, esu patenkinta. A masculine fragrance, it smells very good, I am satisfied.
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Labai patiko. Patiks ir tiems kas mėgsta išskirtinį rytietišką kvapą :) Really liked it. Those who like a unique oriental smell will also like it :)
Show originalShow translationDidingasis medis The majestic tree
Tikėjausi rimtesnio stipresnio kvapo. Nelabai, mano nuomone, sklinda po namus. Pats kvaas įdomus ir prabangus, bet pavyzdžiui tamsos kerai sklinda labiau I was expecting a more serious stronger scent. Not much, in my opinion, spreads around the house. The quaas itself is interesting and luxurious, but the magic of darkness, for example, spreads more
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Labai patiko, geras kvapas. I really liked it, good smell.
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Sodrus, ilgai išliekantis, prabangos kvapas. A rich, long-lasting, luxury fragrance.
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Prabangus ir išskirtinis kvapas A luxurious and exclusive scent
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Super kvapas,kada įsigijau jau ir nepamenu,vis dar kvepia! Great smell, I don't remember when I bought it, it still smells good!
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis | Namų kvapas 225 ml | Bronze edition Majestic Tree | Home fragrance 225 ml | Bronze edition
Puikiai suderintos kvapų natos ir maloniai beskleidžiančioas nuostabų kvapą! Taip pat nustebino detalių deramumas su kvapu,- nuo buteliuko iki juodo aksomo lazdelių! Perfectly balanced fragrance notes and pleasantly emitting a wonderful smell! I was also surprised by the matching of the details with the scent, from the bottle to the black velvet sticks!
Show originalShow translationNamų kvapas "Didingas medis" Home fragrance "Magnificent tree"
Labai patinka šis kvapas, lengvas, neerzinantis, nesukelia alergijos. Kvapą naudoju ofise. Labai patinka tiek man tiek mano kolegoms. Be to labai stilingai atrodo. I really like this smell, light, non-irritating, does not cause allergies. I use the scent in the office. Both me and my colleagues like it very much. In addition, it looks very stylish.
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Labai patiko kvapas, neerzinantis, prabangus, tiesiog tobulas! I really liked the smell, not annoying, luxurious, just perfect!
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Nustebino buteliuko įpakavimas. Kvapas irgi nuostabus. Greitas pristatymas. Tiesa, perku ne pirmą kartą, renkuosi vis kitus kvapus. I was surprised by the packaging of the bottle. The smell is amazing too. Fast delivery. It's true, it's not the first time I buy, I keep choosing different scents.
Show originalShow translationNamų kvapas "Didingas medis", 225 ml Home fragrance "Magnificent tree", 225 ml
Nuostabus kvapas, kuris maloniai kvepia namuose. Gražus įpakavimas, tinka puikiai kam nors dovanoti. Mano žmona , liko maloniai nustebinta šia dovana... A wonderful fragrance that smells nice in the house. Beautiful packaging, perfect for gifting to someone. My wife was pleasantly surprised by this gift...
Show originalShow translationDidingas medis A magnificent tree
Dievinu medžio kvapo aromatus ! Pirkau dovanų, tačiau dabar perku ir sau į namus, kvapas labai patiko! I adore the aromas of the smell of wood! I bought it as a gift, but now I'm also buying it for my home, I really liked the smell!
Show originalShow translationLinas linen
Labai patiko. Labai sunkiai išsirenku kvapus, bet šis atitiko visus mano lūkesčius. Really liked it. I have a very hard time choosing fragrances, but this one met all my expectations.
Show originalShow translationDalius Parts
Labai patiko kvapas ir labai ilgai kvepėjo namuose. I really liked the smell and it smelled very long in the house.
Show originalShow translationSimona Simon
Nuostabus kvapas ! Puikiai kvepia visuose namuose. Užtenka kelių lazdelių, kad kvapas pasklistų. O pats kvapas tikrai prabangus ir užburiantis. Wonderful smell! Smells great all over the house. A few sticks are enough to spread the scent. And the smell itself is really luxurious and enchanting.
Show originalShow translationHome fragrances ODORO Bronze edition - luxurious and stylish fragrance for your cozy home!
Hello! My name is ODORO.
I am an exclusive ODORO brand line called Bronze edition. I am hand made in Lithuania. I was made to fulfill your home or office with a very nice fragrance. This collection consists of 3 fragrances which were thoughtfully selected for luxury places: Patchouli jazz, Dark charms, Majestic wood. Collection includes only reed diffusers. Dark, ombre colored bottle, a little transparent is filled with 225 ml of exclusive aroma. The smell will last up to 3-6 months for bigger interiors. 18 units of black multiple fiber sticks are tied with velvet ribbon.
--- I dare to say that I am probably the most concentrated
home scent on the market. The high concentration of aromatic oil guarantees both a highly perceptible odor and a long duration.
--- My black fiber coated sticks are made using exceptional technology – the longitudinal pores of the sticks are precisely located along each other, that ensures smooth and effective feed of the oil from the bottle
You only need to flip them once per week. It is estimated that these sticks are 50% more effective than wooden sticks.
--- Home fragrance last up to 6 months if you remember to take a little care of me. I recommend to use 3-4 sticks and flip them every few days, or at leats once a week. When flipping does not refresh the fragrance anymore, replace them with the new ones. More information you will find here: ODORO home fragrance instructions.
Composition: Ethanol, dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether, tetramethyl acetyloctahydronaphthalenes, ethyl trimethylcyclopentene butenol, coumarin, distilled water, isopropanol, butanol, eugenol
F R A G R A N C E S !