Champagne House | Home fragrance 90 ml | MOOD
Fragrance intensity:
CHAMPAGNE HOUSE . Everyday a Friday !
Origin of fragrance - Germany.
The inseparable duo of my home fragrance - a round glass bottle with 90 ml of aromatic oil and black multi-fiber sticks of new technology - works wonders in your beloved spaces.
The bottle of the MOOD collection contains the aromatic formula of the scent and the mood it provides for you and your home.
I am dedicated for a home where festive mood is welcome all the time. I will fill your air with carelessness and delight. I will remind you to celebrate your life whether it brings you ups or downs, to emphasize the moments, to smile, to share feelings with others, to dance or to do something a little bit crazy.
Origin of fragrance - Germany.
You will find various mood formulas in this glass bottle of MOOD collection - let them fill your beloved places. Product consists of: 90 ml aromatic oil and 10 fiber reed diffuser sticks, this duet will do wonders in your beloved spaces.
Puikus kvapas. Tiesiog užburiantis. Great smell. Simply mesmerizing.
Šampano namai House of Champagne
Visi kvapai, kuriuos pirkau.... pasakiški!!!️ O ypač Šampano namai! Dar ne kartą pirksiu All the fragrances I bought....fabulous!!!️ And especially the House of Champagne! I will buy again
Odoro Odor
Namu kvapas,masinos kvapas,purskemi kosmosas tas sampaninis reikalas??tiek dovanai tiek sau???kol visus ismeginsiu nebusiu rami....REKOMENDACIJA visiems pajausti penkradieni?? The smell of the house, the smell of the car, the smell of sprays.... is the cosmos a champagne thing?? both for gifts and for myself??? I won't be at peace until I've killed everyone....RECOMMENDATION for everyone to feel Friday??
Šampano namai House of Champagne
Puikus kvapas ir puikus įpakavimo dizainas. Great fragrance and great packaging design.
Show originalShow translationŠampano namai House of Champagne
Malonus kvapas, kvepia ne per intensyviai,puiku. Pleasant smell, it smells not too intense, great.
Show originalShow translationNamu kvapas šampano namai The smell of home is the house of champagne
Gaivus, saldus kvapas, bet silpnai jauciasi net ir nedideleje patalpoje A fresh, sweet smell, but weak even in a small room
Show originalShow translationSubtilu! Subtle!
Nuostabus kvapas, tikrai dar kartą pirksiu! Kvepia subtiliai, prabangiai, klasiškai. Gaila, kad itin greitai išsigaruoja, bet patiko, kad pridėta daugiau lazdelių, tad kvapui priblėsus pakeiti naujomis. Amazing scent, will definitely buy again! It smells delicate, luxurious, classic. It's a pity that it evaporates very quickly, but I liked that more sticks were added, so when the smell fades, you can replace it with new ones.
Show originalShow translationŠampano namai | Namų kvapas 90 ml | MOOD House of Champagne | Home fragrance 90 ml | MOOD
Dieviškas kvapas! A divine scent!
Show originalShow translationŠampano namai House of Champagne
Puikiai tiko vonios kambaryje! Perfect for the bathroom!
Show originalShow translationŠampano namai House of Champagne
Puikus neaitrus kvapas. Great mild scent.
Show originalShow translationŠampano namai House of Champagne
Labai geras,ilgai išliekantis kvapas Very good, long-lasting scent
Show originalShow translationSampano namai Sampan House
Taip tikras sompano kvapas , geras So real sompan smell, good
Show originalShow translationŠampano namai House of Champagne
Puikus, šventinis kvapas! Great, festive scent!
Show originalShow translationNamų kvapas "Šampano namai" Home fragrance "Champagne House"
Jis nuostabuskvepia visi namai ???? He is amazing, the whole house smells ????
Show originalShow translationŠampano namai House of Champagne
Neįkyrus,malonus kvapas. Unobtrusive, pleasant smell.
Show originalShow translationŠampano namai House of Champagne
Malonaus aromato. Ne įkyrus. Pleasant aroma. Not obnoxious.
Show originalShow translationŠampano namai | Namų kvapas House of Champagne | The smell of home
Neatsibostantis kvapas, be kurio neisivaizduoju namų A never-ending scent without which I can't imagine home
Show originalShow translationŠampano namai House of Champagne
Nuostabus kvapas! Taip ir įsivaizduoju šampano purslus... Amazing smell! That's how I imagine champagne splashing...
Show originalShow translationŠampano namai House of Champagne
Puikus įpakavimas, aptarnavimas, bet per porą savaičių kvapo nesijaučia....nusivyliau Great packaging, service, but after a couple of weeks you can't smell it....disappointed
Show originalShow translationŠampano namai House of Champagne
Labai labai kvepia ️ Very very fragrant ️
Show originalShow translationNUSTEBINO SURPRISED
Pirmą kartą išbandytas, labai patiko ir nustebino savo kokybe, rekomenduoju!! Kvapas lengvas ir gaivus!! Tried it for the first time, I really liked it and was surprised by its quality, I recommend it!! The scent is light and fresh!!
Show originalShow translationŠampano namai House of Champagne
Visada pirkdavau magnolija.Bet gavus dovanų ,,šampaną"buvau maloniai nustebinta, kvapas nerealus???? I always bought magnolia. But when I received champagne as a gift, I was pleasantly surprised, the smell is unreal????
Show originalShow translationŠampano namai House of Champagne
Labai patinka kvapas...vienas iš mano mėgstamiausių. Love the of my favorites.
Show originalShow translationŠampano namai House of Champagne
Šventė. Burbuliukai. Lengva prabanga. A holiday. Bubbles. Easy luxury.
Show originalShow translationNamų kvapas ,,Šampano namai” The smell of home, "Champagne house"
Aukščiausios kokybės kvapai! Top quality fragrances!
Show originalShow translationŠampano namai House of Champagne
Labai puikus kvapas, džiuginantis aplinkinius. Kvapu džiaugiuosi darbo kolektyve, kur lankosi daug žmonių, tai sulaukiau begalę klausimų "kas čia taip kvepia?" ir pagyrimų, kad kvapas nuostabus. A very nice scent that pleases those around you. I enjoy the smell in the work team, where many people visit, so I received endless questions "what smells so good here?" and compliments that the smell is amazing.
Show originalShow translationGeriausia davana The best gift
Draugų išgirtas kvapas, tikrai pasiteisinęs. Geriausia dovanos idėja. A scent that was heard by friends, it really paid off. The best gift idea.
Show originalShow translationSampano namai namu kvapas Sampan's home is the smell of home
Labai lengvas, gaivus kvapas, patiko. Very light, fresh scent, I liked it.
Show originalShow translationŠampano namai House of Champagne
Lengvas, gaivus kvapas. A light, fresh scent.
Show originalShow translationSampano namai Sampan House
Aromatas lengvas, svelnus, nuostabus The aroma is light, gentle, wonderful
Show originalShow translationŠampano namai House of Champagne
Labai malonus kvapas,neerzinantis,labai labai patiko Very pleasant smell, not irritating, I liked it very much
Show originalShow translationŠampano namai. House of Champagne.
Dar laukia savo eilės:) Bet ir būdamas dėžutėje, kvapas sklinda labai maloniai. It is still waiting for its turn:) But even when it is in the box, the smell spreads very pleasantly.
Show originalShow translationŠampano namai House of Champagne
Nuostabus prabangus kvapas, saldus bet ne per saldus, neįkirus, nenėgstu aštrių kvapų tai šis kaip ir santalas ir medaus mėnuo nuostabus namams. A wonderful luxurious scent, sweet but not too sweet, not overpowering, I don't hate spicy scents, so this one, like sandalwood and honey moon, is wonderful for the home.
Show originalShow translationNamų kvapas | Šampano namai The smell of home | House of Champagne
Bene, pats mėgstamiausias kvapas, kiek teko turėti. Kvapas neįkyrus, tad norintiems švelnaus, ne erzinančio kvapo - rekomenduoju. Tikrai neapsiriksite! Probably the most favorite scent I've ever owned. The smell is not obtrusive, so I recommend it to those who want a mild, non-irritating smell. You really can't go wrong!
Show originalShow translationŠampano Namai Champagne House
Pats nuostabiausias kvapas! O ir laikosi gerai! Kvepia namai! :) The most amazing smell! Oh, and keeping well! Home smells! :)
Show originalShow translationPenktadienis - kasdien! Friday - every day!
Labai malonus, gaivus kvapas Very pleasant, fresh smell
Show originalShow translationŠampano namai House of Champagne
Gana silpnas ir neišraiškingas kvapas. A rather weak and inexpressive smell.
Show originalShow translationŠampano namai House of Champagne
Labai gaivus ir neerzinantis kvapas! Rekomenduoju ir kitiems. :) Very fresh and non-irritating smell! I recommend it to others. :)
Show originalShow translationSampano namai Sampan House
Lb. geras svelnus kvapas Lb. nice mild scent
Show originalShow translationŠampano namai | Namų kvapas 90 ml | MOOD House of Champagne | Home fragrance 90 ml | MOOD
Subtilus, ilgai išliekantis kvapas. A subtle, long-lasting scent.
Show originalShow translationBest Best
Pats mylimiausias kvapas is visu ️ Puikiai nuteikia, pakelia nuotaika, suteikia vaikisko neruppestingumo jausma The most beloved scent of all ️ Perfectly sets the mood, lifts the mood, gives a feeling of childish carelessness
Show originalShow translationNamų kvapas The smell of home
Labai patenkinta ,šampano kvapo namų kvapais miegamasis kvepejo 3 menesius I am very satisfied, the bedroom smelled of the champagne smell of the house for 3 months
Show originalShow translationŠampano namai House of Champagne
Labai geras kvapas. Tik greitai išgaruoja Very good smell. It just evaporates quickly
Show originalShow translationŠampano namai House of Champagne
Nuostabus kvapas tik įžengus pro duris!!! Pasakiška! Amazing smell as soon as you walk in the door!!! Fabulous!
Show originalShow translationNelabai patiko Didn't like it very much
Iš pradžių labai kvepėjo, bet kvapas nebuvo kažkas wau. Ne mano kvapas, rūgštumo gal per daug. Tačiau į antros savaitės pabaigą, kvapo nebesijaučia, nebent prieini prie pat buteliuko ir tiesiai jį uostai. Siuntimas greitas, supakavimas tobulas It smelled great at first, but the smell wasn't anything wow. Not my smell, maybe too much acidity. But by the end of the second week, you can't smell it anymore unless you go right up to the bottle and drink it directly. Fast shipping, perfect packaging
Show originalShow translationŠampano namai House of Champagne
Saldus, bet labai malonus kvapas :) Sweet but very pleasant smell :)
Show originalShow translationŠampano namai House of Champagne
Tobulas kvapas, kuris itin praturtina kambarį savo kvapo magija. A perfect scent that greatly enriches the room with the magic of its smell.
Show originalShow translationMėgstamiausias Favourite
Iš visų mėgintų šitas mano favoritas - saldžiai gaivus, užpildo malonių kvapų visus namus Out of all the ones I tried, this is my favorite - it is sweetly refreshing and fills the whole house with pleasant smells
Show originalShow translationŠampano namai House of Champagne
Nuostabus kvapas! ❤️ Amazing smell! ❤️
Show originalShow translationŠampanas! Champagne!
Tobulas prabangus kvapas ! Negaliu atsidžiaugti A perfect luxurious scent! I can't be happy
Show originalShow translationNamų kvapas''šampano namai'' The smell of home "champagne house"
Kai įsigijau šitą kvapą tik ir norisi būti namuose ir mėgautis šiuo nuostabiu aromatu. When I bought this fragrance, I just want to be at home and enjoy this wonderful aroma.
Show originalShow translationHome fragrances ODORO MOOD Collection - this is a fragrant mood formula for your cozy home!
Hello! My name is ODORO.
I represent the collection of home fragrances that combine finest quality, friendly design and handmade solution into the final products for your home.
--- I dare to say that I am probably the most concentrated
home scent on the market. The high concentration of aromatic oil guarantees both a highly perceptible odor and a long duration.
--- My black fiber coated sticks are made using exceptional technology – the longitudinal pores of the sticks are precisely located along each other, that ensures smooth and effective feed of the oil from the bottle
You only need to flip them once per week. It is estimated that these sticks are 50% more effective than wooden sticks.
--- Home fragrance last up to 4 months if you remember to take a little care of me. I recommend to use 3-4 sticks and flip them every few days, or at leats once a week. When flipping does not refresh the fragrance anymore, replace them with the new ones. More information you will find here: ODORO home fragrance instructions.
F R A G R A N C E S !
Data sheet
- Collection
- Scent notes
- Musk
- Scent notes
- Fruits
- Scent notes
- Wine grapes
- Scent notes
- Sweet fruits
- Scent notes
- Lightly spicy spices
- Scent notes
- Orange
- Scent notes
- Citrusai
- Scent notes
- Fresh
- Scent notes
- Flowers
- Type of scent
- Floral
- Type of scent
- Romantic
- Type of scent
- Fresh
- Type of scent
- Luxurious
- Type of scent
- Citrus
- Type of scent
- Spring, summer
- Type of scent
- Positive
- Type of scent
- Delicate
- Type of scent
- Feminine
- Type of scent
- Valentine's Day scents
- It's a gift
- For Her