Sandalwood | Home fragrance 90 ml | MOOD
Fragrance intensity:
SANDALWOOD. Elegance Sensation.
Origin of fragrance - France.
The inseparable duo of my home fragrance - a round glass bottle with 90 ml of aromatic oil and black multi-fiber sticks of new technology - works wonders in your beloved spaces.
The bottle of the MOOD collection contains the aromatic formula of the scent and the mood it provides for you and your home.
I am dedicated for a home which prefers elegance and aesthetics. I will fill your stylish space with a breath of tender luxury and exclusivity. I will make you feel charming and prosperous and I will inspire you to see and to create more beauty in your everyday life.
Origin of fragrance - France.
You will find various mood formulas in this glass bottle of MOOD collection - let them fill your beloved places. Product consists of: 90 ml aromatic oil and 10 fiber reed diffuser sticks, this duet will do wonders in your beloved spaces.
Nuostabus. Labai geras kvapas. Gaila, kad ilgiau nesilaiko Wonderful. Very good smell. It's a shame it doesn't last longer
Santaupas cozy mini kolekcija Savings cozy mini collection
Kvapas patiko,malonus. I liked the smell, pleasant.
Santalas Santal
Puikus, elegantiškas kvapas. Ne per intensyvus. Mums labai patinka. A great, elegant scent. Not too intense. We like it very much.
Santalas Santal
Mano namų kvapas - labai patiko! Švelnus, elegantiškas, prabangus! The smell of my house - I really liked it! Gentle, elegant, luxurious!
Show originalShow translationSantalas Mood Santal Mood
Tai prabangus, neerzinantis namų kvapas. It's a luxurious, non-irritating home fragrance.
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Lengvas, truputį saldus, gaivus kvapas A light, slightly sweet, fresh scent
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Stilingas buteliukas, saldus, ilgai laikantis kvapas. Stylish bottle, sweet, long-lasting scent.
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Malonus kvapas,neerzina. Pleasant smell, not irritating.
Show originalShow translationPuikus Excellent
Tikrai malonus ir gaivus kvapas! Kolkas mano favoritas! Rekomenduoju! Really nice and fresh smell! Kolk is my favorite! I recommend!
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Pasakiškas, tikrai prabangus kvapas, perku antrąkart, praeitas tarnavo daugiau nei metus :) Fabulous, really luxurious smell, I'm buying it for the second time, the last one lasted more than a year :)
Show originalShow translationNamu kvapas,santalas The smell of home, sandalwood
Labai skaniai kvepia,labai patenkinta pirkiniu. It smells very delicious, very satisfied with the purchase.
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Šis kvapas nuostabus ir tikrai prabangus! This fragrance is amazing and really luxurious!
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Labai labai skaniai kvepia namai. Nuostabiai malonus kvapas The house smells very, very good. A wonderfully pleasant scent
Show originalShow translationLabai skaniai kvepia It smells very delicious
Labai skaniai kvepia, prabangus kvapas. It smells very delicious, a luxurious scent.
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Puikus kvapas! Noretusi, kad prekyboje atsirastu ir didesnis kiekis buteliuko! ???? Great smell! I wish that a larger quantity of the bottle would appear on the market! ????
Show originalShow translationSandalas Sandal
Kvapas suteikia prabangumo namams, malonus. Ačiū už greitą pristatymą The smell adds luxury to the home, it is pleasant. Thanks for the fast delivery
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Pats nuostabiausias kvapas???? The most amazing smell????
Show originalShow translationTobulas namų kvapas The perfect home fragrance
Ačiū! Pavyko atrasti tobulą, prabangų, ryškų namų kvapą! Išliekantis ilgai! Thank you! We managed to find the perfect, luxurious, bright home scent! Long lasting!
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Nuostabus kvapas, labai labai patiko, būtinai kartosiu Amazing smell, I really liked it, I will definitely repeat it
Show originalShow translationSantalo Santal
Puikus, malonus, neįkyrus kvapas, labai tiknka mažoms patalpoms. Excellent, pleasant, unobtrusive smell, very suitable for small rooms.
Show originalShow translationSantalas labai geri Santal is very good
Sveikinimai gimtadienio proga birthday greetings
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Labai skanus, svelnus kvapas. Tobulas pasirinkimas drabuzineje Very tasty, soft smell. A perfect wardrobe choice
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Puikus,labai tinka namams. Excellent, very suitable for home.
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Kvapas labai patiko???? Did you really like the smell????
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Malonus kvapas , namai kvapu prisipildė per maždaug dešimt dienų.Pirmomis dienomis kvepėjo tik šalia buteliuko su lazdelėmis.Dabar jau yra šio kvapo fonas visoje erdvėje. A pleasant smell, the house was filled with the smell in about ten days. In the first days, it smelled only near the bottle with sticks. Now there is a background of this smell in the whole space.
Show originalShow translationSantalas,#namu kvapas Santal, the smell of #home
Tobulas kvapas tinkantis tiek vidaus patalpoms tiek WC. Subtiliai skleidžiasi ir neeezina. The perfect scent is suitable for both indoor spaces and toilets. Spreads delicately and does not irritate.
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Švelnus, malonaus kvapo aromatas. Mild, pleasant aroma.
Show originalShow translationOdoro santalas Odor sandalwood
Kvepia visi namai.tiesiog super The whole house smells great
Show originalShow translationTobulas Perfect
Malonus, neįkyrus kvapas. Turiu jau ne pirma buteliuka, puikiai išsilaiko kelis mėnesius Pleasant, unobtrusive smell. This is not the first bottle I have, it lasts well for several months
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Subtilus, neįkyrus... Perku nebe pirmą kartą, rekomenduoju???? Subtle, unobtrusive... This is not my first time buying, I recommend it????
Show originalShow translationSantalas | Namų kvapas 90 ml | MOOD Santal | Home fragrance 90 ml | MOOD
Geriausias kvapas! :) The best smell! :)
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Geras kvapas, teko truputį priprasti, paderinti lazdelių skaičių, bet dabar atrodo, kad tik toks ir turi būt tikras namų kvapas :) It's a good smell, I had to get used to it a bit, adjust the number of sticks, but now it seems that this is what a real home smell should be :)
Show originalShow translationSANTALAS SANTAL
Kvapas buvo skirtas dovanai. Labai patiko :) The fragrance was intended for a gift. Really liked it :)
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Kvapas labai patinka, tačiau deja jo namuose visai nesijaučia, net stovint visai šalia kvapo. Nuvylė :( I really like the smell, but unfortunately it doesn't feel at home at all, even when standing right next to the smell. Disappointed :(
Show originalShow translationLabai patiko Really liked it
Kvapas labai geras! Įėjus į namus, iškart pasitinka malonus aromatas. Tikrai neįkyrus ir neatstumiantis kvapas, anaiptol - kambariai prisipildė lengvo, malonaus dvelksmo. Mačiau, kad kiti rašė, jog įdėjus lazdeles, iškart dingo pusė buteliuko skysčio. Tikrai netiesa, man įdėjus tris lazdeles, skysčio sumažėjo gal penktadaliu. Ir išeina kvapas pakankamai lėtai, manau trims mėnesiams mažesnio buteliuko per akis :) tikrai ateityje sakysiuos dar The smell is very good! Upon entering the house, you are immediately greeted by a pleasant aroma. A really unobtrusive and not repulsive smell, not at all - the rooms were filled with a light, pleasant breath. I've seen others write that half of the bottle of liquid disappeared immediately after inserting the sticks. It's really not true, after I put in three sticks, the liquid was reduced by maybe a fifth. And the smell comes out slowly enough, I think a smaller bottle for three months :) I will definitely say more in the future
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Džiaugiuosi atradusi tokius prabangius namu kvapus, kvepia visi namai. I'm glad to have discovered such luxurious house scents, the whole house smells.
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Tobulas namų dekoro akcentas! Subtilus, švelnus kvapas. The perfect home decor accent! A delicate, soft scent.
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Kvapas labai skanus, nusipirkau iskarto du vienetus, bet namie is vis to kvapo nesijaucia... net vonios kambaryje, kuris nera didelis nesijaucia iejus.. nors idejau max pagaliuku ir juos vis apverciu, bet kvapo nera.. tik prikisus nosi. The smell is very delicious, I bought two units at once, but I can't smell it at home... even in the bathroom, which is not big, I can't smell it... even though I use a max stick and I keep turning them over, but there is no smell... only when I plug my nose.
Show originalShow translationsantalas sandalwood
tikejausi stipresnio kvapo I expected a stronger smell
Show originalShow translationSuper santalas Super sandalwood
Ne per ryškus ir ne per silpnas. Tobulas santalas su saldžiais elementais. Not too bright and not too faint. Perfect sandalwood with sweet elements.
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Labai. Prabangus, pusiau saldus neikirus kvapas labai tinka namams kvepinti. Pats skaniausias kvapas iš visų. Very much. A luxurious, semi-sweet, unobtrusive fragrance is very suitable for home fragrance. The most delicious smell of all.
Show originalShow translationSantalas. Namų kvapas 90ml Santal. Home fragrance 90ml
Prabangus kvapas. Nuteikia gerai nuotaikai. Likau labai patenkinta. A luxurious scent. Puts you in a good mood. I was very satisfied.
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Tikrai malonus kvapas, ypač kai pasisklaido erdvėje A really nice scent, especially when diffused in space
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Superinis kvapas, buvau maloniai nustebinta Super smell, I was pleasantly surprised
Show originalShow translationNamų kvapas Santalas Home fragrance Santal
Labai malonus kvapas Very pleasant smell
Show originalShow translationGerai aplinkai ir savijautai namie Good for the environment and well-being at home
Subtilus, nesaldus Delicate, not sweet
Show originalShow translationSANTALAS SANTAL
Nuostabus, prabangus kvapas. A wonderful, luxurious scent.
Show originalShow translationSantalas nuostabus Santal is wonderful
Puikus kvapas, suteikia prabangos, jaukumo namams Great smell, adds luxury and coziness to the home
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Lengvas, švelnus prabangus kvapas, labai patiko A light, soft luxurious scent, I really liked it
Show originalShow translationŠiltas,švelnus kvapas A warm, gentle scent
Šiltas, švelnus, neerzinantis kvapas , jaukiems namams. A warm, gentle, non-irritating scent for a cozy home.
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Tobulas kvapas, ne įkyrus labai išskirtinis, kvepia tik įžengus į namus! :) The perfect scent, not obtrusively very exclusive, smells only when you enter the house! :)
Show originalShow translationNamù kvapas.SANTALAS The smell of home. SANTAL
Iš jūsù pirkau pirmà kartà ir iš karto pataikiau.Nuostabus kvapas,net norisi pasikvèpinti! I bought from you for the first time and I immediately liked it. The smell is amazing, I even want to smell it!
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Kvapas dieviškas. Tik pagrindinis jo trūkumas, kad ilgai nekvepia. The smell is divine. Its only main drawback is that it does not smell for a long time.
Show originalShow translationSANTALAS SANTAL
Prabangus kvapas. Neikyrus, labai tinkantis man. A luxurious scent. Indifferent, very suitable for me.
Show originalShow translationSantalas. Santal.
Kvapas labai geras,neįkirus.Gal tikėjausi kiek intensyvesnio,bet vertinu puikiai:) The smell is very good, not offensive. Maybe I expected a bit more intense, but I rate it as excellent:)
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Pats mėgstamiausias Odoro namų kvapas, rafinuotas ir nulemiantis mintimis į rytus. Odor's favorite house scent, refined and thought-provoking to the east.
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Labai patiko kvapas. Rekomenduoju. I really liked the smell. I recommend it.
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Labai geras, svelnus malonus kvapas. Very good, soft pleasant smell.
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Labai geras kvapas, visai seimai tiko, rekomenduoju A very good smell, it suited the whole seima, I recommend it
Show originalShow translationNamų kvapas "Santalas" Home fragrance "Santal"
Labai, labai ilgai ieškojau tinkamo ir geros kokybės kvapo namams. Buvo daug nusivylimo ir išmestų pinigų tiesiogine to žodžio prasme. Šį kartą pasiklioviau komentarais. Ir neprašoviau. Nuostabūs kvapai. Labai kokybiški. Ilgai išliekantys, nustelbia visus kitus kvapus. Ne per stiprus. Neerzina. Neapsvaigina. Ne tik nuostabusis santalas bet ir visi kiti žiauriai geri kvapai. Ir net pats išrankiausias ras tai,ko ieško. Labai labai rekomenduoju ir pirksiu visą likusį gyvenimą. P.s.galite pasmalsauti Vagos knygynuose,mėginukus pauostyti ir išsirinkti lengviau,kas man labai labai patiko. Ačiū Jums Odoro, ir linkiu kuo didžiausios sėkmės. Esate puikūs!!! For a very, very long time, I was looking for a suitable and good quality fragrance for the home. There was a lot of frustration and literally wasted money. This time I relied on the comments. And I didn't ask. Wonderful scents. Very high quality. Long lasting, overshadowing all other scents. Not too strong. Not annoying. Does not stun. Not only the wonderful sandalwood, but also all the other wickedly good scents. And even the pickiest will find what they are looking for. I highly recommend and will be buying for the rest of my life. You can inquire in Vaga bookstores, it's easier to smell the samples and choose, which I really, really liked. Thank you Odoro, and I wish you the best of luck. You are great!!!
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Nuostabiausias kvapas, labai patinka. Kai vakare po darbo grįžtu namo, pasitinka kvapas,kuris užburia ir atpalaiduoja. The most amazing smell, I really like it. When I return home after work in the evening, I am greeted by a scent that enchants and relaxes.
Show originalShow translationNamų kvapas ODORO MOOD „Santalas“ Home fragrance ODORO MOOD "Santal"
Galetu buti platesnis indelis,nes pagaliukai sunkiai idedami!1 It could be a wider container, because the sticks are difficult to put in! 1
Show originalShow translationODORO MOOD "Santalas" ODORO MOOD "Santal"
Puikus kvapas, šiek tiek saldokas, prabangus. Great smell, slightly sweet, luxurious.
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Nuostabus, lengvas, prabangus kvapas... A wonderful, light, luxurious scent...
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Superinis kvapas svetainei, visi sveciai iejus pagiria kaip skaniai kvepia namai Super scent for the living room, all the guests praise how the house smells delicious
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Nuostabus! Turi švelnų saldumą, kas man labai patinka. Subtilus, neįkyrus kvapas. Awesome! It has a mild sweetness which I really like. Subtle, unobtrusive scent.
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Nuostabus švelnus kvapas! Atidarytas jau pusmetį, bet dar nesibaigė A wonderful mild scent! It's been open for half a year, but it's not over yet
Show originalShow translationNamų kvapas ODORO MOOD „Santalas“ Home fragrance ODORO MOOD "Santal"
Švelnus kvapas su saldžiu prabangos ir stilingumo dvelksmu puikiai tinkantis miegamajame :) A soft scent with a sweet touch of luxury and style, perfect for the bedroom :)
Show originalShow translationOdoro Odor
Nuostabus įpakavimas,kvapas taip pat. Matosi, kad iš viskas padaryta iš širdies :) The packaging is amazing, the smell too. You can see that everything is made from the heart :)
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Viskas puiku, greitas atsiuntimas, kvapas labai patiko Everything is great, fast delivery, I really liked the smell
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Mano geriausias kvapas.Naudoju jau 2 metus.Svetaineje,prieškambaryje..Jis Tobulas! ❤ My best scent. I've been using it for 2 years. In the living room, in the hallway.. It's perfect! ❤
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Tobulas, prabangus kvapas! A perfect, luxurious scent!
Show originalShow translationPrabanga Luxury
Gavusi šį kvapą buvau maloniai nustebinta, atsiliepimai žodžiais net neapibūdina to ką gauni. Viskas tobula, nuo įpakavimo iki kvapo, kuris užburia. Jis tikrai sukuria romantišką atmosferą. I was pleasantly surprised when I received this scent, the reviews don't even describe what you get. Everything is perfect, from the packaging to the fragrance, which is enchanting. It really creates a romantic atmosphere.
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Mano kvapas. Man žiauriai tokie kvapai patinka. My smell. I really like these scents.
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Prabanga! Toks geras vyriškų kvepalų kvapas Labai labai patinka! Luxury! Such a good fragrance for men Love it very much!
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Jaukumo namams suteikiantis kvapas A scent that gives comfort to the home
Show originalShow translationEisvė Busy
Atradimas, kuris tikrai nenuvylė. Įpakavimas, apgalvota kiekviena detalė, kaip kokį saldainį išlukštenau šio nuostabaus kvapo buteliuką, kuris padovanojo puikias kvapų natas. Kvapas tikrai prabangus, intensyvus ir išraiškingas, turi tokio neerzinančio saldumo. Ačiū! A discovery that certainly did not disappoint. The packaging, every detail is thought out, like a candy I opened the bottle of this wonderful fragrance, which gave me great notes of fragrances. The smell is really luxurious, intense and expressive, it has such a non-irritating sweetness. Thank you!
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Sveiki. Vakar uzsisakiau, siandien namai jau kvepia tikrai prabanga ir elegancija, kvapas idealus. Aciu :) Tikrai pirksiu dar ne karta. hello I ordered it yesterday, today the house already smells of real luxury and elegance, the smell is ideal. Thank you :) I will definitely buy again.
Show originalShow translationSantalas Santal
Super kvapas. Prabangus, neįkirus. Gaila nebera galimybes užsakyti :( kada bus papildymai?? Super smell. Luxurious without being expensive. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to order :( when will there be additions??
Show originalShow translationGintarė Amber
Tobulas kvapas! Esu labai išranki kvapams, o šis puikiai tiko, įėjus į namus toks jausmas ,kad vyras pasikvepino kvepalais, labai panašus kvapas į vyriškų kvepalų. Patiko ,kad neįkyrus kvapas kaip daugumos kvapų su lazdelėmis net bloga pasidaro, o čia praeinant taip švelniai skaniai pradvelkia, likau patenkinta Perfect smell! I am very picky about fragrances, and this one was perfect, when you enter the house you have the feeling that a man has smelled perfume, it smells very similar to men's perfumes. I liked that the smell is not obtrusive, like most scents with sticks, it even becomes bad, and when passing by, it smells so gently and deliciously, I was satisfied
Show originalShow translationAugustė Augusta
Super kvapas! Nemėgstu labai intensyvių, tai šis man labai tiko ir patiko. Super smell! I don't like very intense ones, but this one really suited me and I liked it.
Show originalShow translationAgnė Agnes
Tobulas kvapas, taip jį galėčiau apibūdinti. Lengvai saldus, rafinuotas ir prabangus kvapas. Puikiai kvepia namuose. A perfect scent, that's how I would describe it. Lightly sweet, sophisticated and luxurious fragrance. Smells great in the house.
Show originalShow translation
Tai pirmasis mano namų kvapas, juo labai patenkintas. Džiugu, kad pridėjo ir porą kitų kvapų mėginukų, taigi dabar žinau, kad kitąkart kvapams paįvairinti tikrai pirksiu "Čili apelsinas"! Labai patinka tai, kad nesijaučia jokio sintetinio kvapo, šis labai malonus ir gyvas. Dėl stipriai iškvepintos dėžutės ją tik atsdaręs pamaniau, kad kvapas bus beprotiškai stiprus ir netgi įkyrus 18 kvadratų kambariui, bet turiu pripažinti, kad vis tik klydau. Kvapas labai subtilus, kartais jo norėtųsi netgi daugiau (lazdelių apversti nepamirštu). Paties produkto dizainas minimalistiškas, buteliukas nedidelis, tad statyti galima nors ir vidury kambario, nes atrodo išties puikiai. Labai sužavėjo pakuotė. Tvarkinga, neapkrauta nereikalingais tekstais ar piešiniais, elegantiška, žaismingu tekstu, tai net smalsu, kaip atrodytų pasirinkus supakavimo kaip dovanos paslaugą. Šį namų kvapą neabejotinai įtrauksiu į potencialių Kalėdų dovanų sąrašą. This is my first home fragrance, very happy with it. I'm glad they added a couple of other scent samples, so now I know that next time I'll definitely buy Chili Orange to diversify my scents! I really like the fact that it doesn't smell synthetic, this one is very pleasant and alive. Due to the heavily exhaled box, upon opening it, I thought that the smell would be insanely strong and even obnoxious for an 18 square meter room, but I have to admit that I was still wrong. The smell is very delicate, sometimes you would like even more of it (don't forget to turn the sticks). The design of the product itself is minimalistic, the bottle is small, so it can be placed even in the middle of the room, because it looks really great. Very impressed with the packaging. Tidy, not burdened with unnecessary texts or drawings, elegant, with playful text, it is even curious how it would look if you choose a wrapping service as a gift. I will definitely add this home fragrance to my list of potential Christmas gifts.
Show originalShow translationAistė Aiste
Labai geras ir ilgai išliekantis prabangos kvapas. Rekomenduoju, nenusivilsite :) A very good and long-lasting luxury fragrance. I recommend it, you won't be disappointed :)
Show originalShow translationSimona V. Simona V.
Kvapas tobulas, drasiai rekomenduoju visiems :) pirksiu dar ne viena ir ne du kartus! The smell is perfect, I strongly recommend it to everyone :) I will buy it more than once or twice!
Show originalShow translationNuostabus kvapas Amazing smell
Esu daug skaiciusi apie kvapu poveiki, ir apsistojaus tiek sandalmedzio kvapu savo namams. Kvapas tiesiog nuostabus! Jis nera nei per stiprus nei per silpnas, namai turi savo "natele" ir tikrai ir toliau piksiu sia preke namams, bei kitiems labai rekomenduoju. I've read a lot about the effects of scent, and I'm going to settle for a sandalwood scent for my home. The smell is simply amazing! It is neither too strong nor too weak, the house has its own "note" and I will definitely continue to use this product for the house, and I highly recommend it to others.
Show originalShow translationIndrė Indra
Labai geras, švelnus, sodrus kvapas. Mėgstamiausias ! Very good, soft, rich smell. Favourite !
Show originalShow translationKristina Christina
Labai geras kvapas ! Rekomenduoju visiems ! Puiki , juki atmosfera, šiekt tiek jaučiu prabangos elementu ! Na žodžiu - super ! Very good smell! I recommend it to everyone! Great, nice atmosphere, I feel a bit of an element of luxury! Well, in a word - super!
Show originalShow translationHome fragrances ODORO MOOD Collection - this is a fragrant mood formula for your cozy home!
Hello! My name is ODORO.
I represent the collection of home fragrances that combine finest quality, friendly design and handmade solution into the final products for your home.
--- I dare to say that I am probably the most concentrated
home scent on the market. The high concentration of aromatic oil guarantees both a highly perceptible odor and a long duration.
--- My black fiber coated sticks are made using exceptional technology – the longitudinal pores of the sticks are precisely located along each other, that ensures smooth and effective feed of the oil from the bottle
You only need to flip them once per week. It is estimated that these sticks are 50% more effective than wooden sticks.
--- Home fragrance last up to 4 months if you remember to take a little care of me. I recommend to use 3-4 sticks and flip them every few days, or at leats once a week. When flipping does not refresh the fragrance anymore, replace them with the new ones. More information you will find here: ODORO home fragrance instructions.
F R A G R A N C E S !
Data sheet
- Collection
- Scent notes
- Orange
- Scent notes
- Jasmine
- Scent notes
- Musk
- Scent notes
- Rose
- Scent notes
- Santal
- Scent notes
- Tonka beans
- Scent notes
- Vanilla
- Type of scent
- Floral
- Type of scent
- Romantic
- Type of scent
- Sweet
- Type of scent
- Luxurious
- Type of scent
- Oriental
- Type of scent
- Delicate
- Type of scent
- Feminine
- Type of scent
- Valentine's Day scents
- It's a gift
- For Her